Convening Networks

CDRC logoCitizen’s Disaster Response Center (CDRC) – a pioneer disaster management NGO in the Philippines operating through a network of regional centers and people’s organizations. Their assistance caters to the most affected, least served and most vulnerable sectors through preparedness and mitigation, emergency relief and rehabilitation programs.

MASAI logo

Management Advancement Systems Association Inc. (MASAI) – a consultancy organization servicing grassroots-oriented programs and projects. It also helps people’s organizations and NGOs improve and develop their management capability. In its 28 years of existence, it has provided project assessment services to various international development funding agencies.

We Govern logoWorking for Empowerment and Good Governance Institute, Inc. (WeGovern Institute) – a capability development, resource, and advocacy non-governmental organization that advances the substantial participation of people on the ground especially grassroots women in promoting new politics and good governance.

IBON International logoIBON International – a southern-based international development organization that provides capacity development for CSOs to express and build consensus around their concerns and demands, engage official processes meaningfully and forge cooperation for strengthened campaigns and advocacy.